Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Will Vlad invade Tiblisi?

Is war in the future for Georgia?
Will the Russians invade Tiblisi?
It seems the Western backed Government in Georgia has raised the ire of our pal Vlad.
The breakaway states of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, have weakened Georgia whose western style Government is pushing for EU and Nato Membership.
Rockets have been launched at helicopters flying over these breakaway "republics",
one carrying John McCain another carrying the Georgian Defense Minister.
Georgia has now been threatened with retaliation if they start military actions against the breakaway republics occupied by Russian "peacekeeping forces".
Georgians living in Russia are being sent home- Russia is withdrawing troops from its Georgian military bases.
It seems Vlad has been throwing temper tantrums over the arrest of four members of Russian military intelligence, who were paraded before the media.
The tense situation caused Russia to blockade Georgia by road, rail, air and sea.

Seems that Vlad has started dancing...
Apocalypso is getting popular.

Fly Spy.
Great Britain plans robotic flies, which will fly in swarms, to spy on enemies.
The United States has invested in the technology.

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