Thursday, August 25, 2011

World War Economy

sIt has been a long time since I have posted here. I guess I lost interest for awhile, but things have changed in the world since I last posted. I intend to address some of the events that have occurred since that time.
I guess I should be happy that the predictions I made turned out to be correct. There was war between Moscow and Tbilisi, though it only lasted a few days, the Russians showed their stuff. They are not the pushover that the U.S. thought they would be.
I guess the powers that were expecting Russia would back down were gravely mistaken.

I just don't know how to put into words the idiocy I see in Washington. Our forefathers never envisioned the U.S. as an empire. I refuse to admit that I am baffled by what is happening at the White House, I just can't get this idea of spending the way out or recession. I am not an economist, but I do read everything I can on the subject.
I have to believe that those who are in power don't care that our economy has tanked. I get the impression that printing up trillions of dollars is part of a plan. A plan to make the other nations of the world pay off our debt by weakening the dollar to give those who borrowed or bought into the dollar should lose huge amounts of money, as the value of the dollar goes down, the countries holding our currency are losing money big time.
Now we are scrambling to hold foreign oil hostage to our country.
There are two places right now on the earth where countries are competing for natural resources. The first is Libya, the Chinese had huge investments in Libyan oil.
Now the "Western countries" are scrambling to buy into this market. While Eastern Countries, including Russia and China are angry over the results of NATO attacks and rebel incursions which has shut off the the huge amounts of Libyan oil. China can't buy any oil there, for the rigs have stopped pumping, estimates are that it will be a year before oil will flow as it did in the past.
Now I want to talk about the "Arab Spring" uprisings. Starting with Egypt, the people took to the streets by the hundreds of thousands. The economy was so bad the working folk couldn't even feed their families. Tunisian protesters got their dictator to leave the country, The trouble spread to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain needed U.S. and Saudi troops to put down the demonstrators there, there is a small Sunni Group who rule over a huge Shiite group, the result was mass arrests, Martial Law and death to the more extreme protesters. Iran being a Shiite country is seen as being behind the uprisings, Iran is poising itself to overthrow the Sunni dictators in every country and hoping that Shiites will come to power. Egypt and Tunisia are on their way to forcing Sharia Law on the peoples of these two countries. Syria, controlled by a secular Baathist party is looking to overthrow the Kingdom and create another Muslim State under Sharia Law. Iraq instead of being helped by the U.S. to turn to the Rule of Law, under which most western countries abide, instead allowed them to introduce Sharia Law. Can you see where I am going with this?
Our President has praised the uprisings as a first step toward Democracy, the truth is when the people are granted the vote, they will vote for Sharia Law. Pakistan is a nation that us under Sharia Law, as is Iran.
Let me talk about Iran for a few lines here. Iran has been helping the Sharia elements in Iraq. Recently it was reported that Iran has been supplying Shiite Iraqis with bullets , bombs and money to forward their interests. Read a former post where I predicted Iraq would be split into three parts, The Sunni/Baathist party of the west, Saddam's homeland, The Shiite southern part becoming an Iranian Proxy state with Moctada al Sadr as its leader, and the Kurdish north which holds the richest oil fields in Iraq. I posted how I celebrated the Kurds raising the National Flag of Kurdistan in Northern Iraq, I also mentioned how the Turks and Iranians were shelling Kurdish positions inside Iraq. The U.S. has done nothing for the Kurds, EVER! True Kurdistan is divided among 5 countries, Iraq is the largest and seems now to be in Kurdish hands, Iran has a Kurdish population and a good chunk of northern Iran is Kurd homeland. Syria holds a small chunk of Kurdish land at their northernmost border, Turkey Holds a huge chunk of Kurdish territory, as large or larger than the Iraqi part. After WWII the allies created a new map of the middle east according to their varied interests, the Kurds were left out of the equation, I believe the Kurds will now become stronger, with the oil wealth they have gained in Iraq, they are now able to buy arms, armored vehicles and tanks, and helicopters...soon they will be looking to buy Bombers and Fighter jets.
In the early 1980's Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds in Northern Iraq.
The U.S. did nothing. It shows that no one in the world cares about the Kurds and that keeping them down has been the policy of every government where Kurds live out their meager existence.
I believe the Kurdish day is coming when they will have revenge on the people who have persecuted them since WWII, I believe their peoples will be reunited into one of the strongest nations in the middle east and Iranian and Turkish shelling of their villages has brought them to such a point of rage that revenge will be taken on all their neighbors.
Back to Iraq, I believe that when the United States leaves Iraq, that it will no longer be Iraq, it will be split into three nations.
Now in Syria the uprisings have been generally peaceful protests, but the Government has sent in tanks and troops to wipe out civilians. So many Syrians crossed the border into Turkey that the Turks are now threatening to allow NATO to go in and put down the dictator Assad.
Now I want to talk about protests throughout Europe, recent riots in the U.K. have a mirror image of the protests in Egypt. People in the U.K. are not able to afford their rents and mortgages as it is in Egypt, the people are suffering. How arrogant was the Royal wedding, spending millions of pounds while the people live under austerity rules because the banks have gone belly up. We haven't seen the end of riots there, the people are discontented and frustrated, just trying to afford living space, many can't afford food after they pay their rents and Mortgages.
Now I would like to mention the same problems that have the U.K. in their grip are also effecting Israel, the young and the poor cannot afford to pay for living space, the prices are so high and the wages so low, they have been mere protests and not riots as in England, but the people had set up tents and for a month now there have been demonstrations and calls for a new election.
China and Russia have had their protests also as has India, In fact the whole world is about to go through chaos because all nations have been spending beyond their means, wages are too low, unemployment too high and real estate out of reach of millions. In a short time the peaceful tea party protests, will pale in comparison to the strikes and riots that are coming soon to a town near you. hyperinflation is right around the corner and will wipe out the savings of millions. From now until 2015 there will be an explosion of pissed off Americans, who won't know what to do to live.
Its here, on the doorstep and woe to those who live in large cities. When the United States economy crashes it will take the globe with it. Wars will break out in all directions.
Last of all I want to mention the Arctic is on the verge of being divided up between the northern nations. For there are huge natural resources now available since the ice covered lands are now melting opening up sea lanes where there were none in the past and many nations are willing to go to war to get their hands on the rich deposits of oil, gas and other valuable elements and minerals.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Europa meets Fantasy Island

European Unity = 4th Reich
I don't quite get the reasoning behind this 'we must align ourselves with superpowers' mentality.
The idea that bigger is better has been pushed on this generation like never before. Imagine a Europe free of borders!Free of duties, but not tax free, not representative of the people, but of the dreamers.
Yes the dreamers, call it Rome or Babel or whatever, the dream means nothing. The idea big as it is , blows the mind with the details, always the details, plotting a course for the political future, blindly groping for a universal mindset, the EU monstrosity is annoying to behold.
I understand that all those nations who are giving up their national sovereignty, see this as big democracy, as Poland fights over a percentage of votes in the EU parliament and Great Britain seems on the brink of becoming merry olde England, should we be looking for a Robin Hood to fight the King John's of Europe?
It seems impossible to the mind that Great Britain, Queen of royal empires as empires go, should allow herself even the slightest thought of joining the European madness.
Where is the Lionheart when you need him? It seems 'off' that the Royals would even consider giving up their independence.
Oh! Prince Charles wants to be King of Europe! So do the Royals have a plan to put Great Britain on the throne of Europe?

What is in the air and water that is poisoning the minds of independent peoples to align themselves with powers whose intent isn't better but bigger government?
This is big brother on steroids.
Viewed as democracy by the backwards Eastern European nations simply because they get a vote in big Western EU policy making, doesn't eliminate the fact that the EU is a totalitarian monster in the making.
Poland ought to know better; slaughtered by Nazi's , and kept under the thumb of Soviet Communism for 44 years, one would think that in their second decade of freedom from "foreign overlords" it is unimaginable that they are now ready to throw themselves and their people into the authoritarian 'Fantasy Island' of European Unity.
Waiting for the day when they can throw their weight around, the weightlifters of Europa, those powerful western nations, will feed on the Eastern European stragglers, those less fortunate countries that weren't part of the original vision of Western European Unity.
That Club of Rome, a vision of the Roman empire revived to terrorize the world once again, like a monstrous beast turning its baleful eye here and there looking for the next victim.
Rome was a Club of Generals addicted to the gold plundered from nations and temples. Nothing was sacred except the continuance of ,plunder thy neighbor abundantly, slay the wicked poor, deliver the oppressed to the oppresser and if there was any other inequality, it was tattooed on the foreheads of prostitutes as proof that abominable actions by 'noble romans' are about equal to ignoble actions by Nazi pondscum.
Europe has a history.
A history of empire or attempted empire from Rome until today.
Is this the trump card that trumps the Queen, Jack and ten of downing street?

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Atmosfear

Detroit is still functioning, how I will never know.
More teachers will be laid off.
This after last year laying off more firefighters and police, closing schools, cutting back on emergency hospitals... and the conditions of the jails... OMG! Do not get arrested in Detroit or you will be housed in filth and hostility.
Then came the bright idea... sell out of city property holdings.
Detroit House of Corrections has been a blight on the landscape of Plymouth Township since it was built. It was the most escaped from prison , prisoners with just jeans and no shoes walking through Downtown Plymouth in the middle of winter. The property will now be developed and the hideous eyesore erased from the landscape.

Jennifer Granholm is one beautiful lady. I like to see her speak publicly. She is taking some harsh criticism because the economy in Michigan is whirlpooling down the credit drain.
Strong measures are needed to help Michigan recover from the once again, Auto company failures that have depressed this economy so often.
The State needs to sell.
Sell the property it holds so tightly in its grasp. It has spent so much to hold, it has financed so often to improve. Sell it to people who can and will care for it. Americans.

Nut case heaven...

Is anyone surprised that another shooter went into a public school and blasted everyone in their path? I am ready to pull my kid out of the public school system, if ya can't protect them, you can't have them, is my attitude. Yes it was a college, many adults were present , but when the bullets start flying what are you going to do?

The atmosfear is contagious is it not? The Media/Ahab/Jezebel want to pound it home, be afraid, be very afraid.

Yes, media keeps us alert, but such coverages bombard the mind with images of destruction, horror and death. With all these images comes an uncertain fear, maybe in the back of your mind, that the world is a horrible place sometimes and it might be best to go underground.

Police and schools!

Does anyone propose armed Police on site at all schools? Or building Mini Police stations on school property?

Senate sanity?
It appears the Senators have decided to set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. This makes sense since we have been there too long already. The war was over a month after it started. This idea of nation building and spending billions for infrastructure was another pork barrel plan by entrenched Congressmen to put more money in their fat belly accounts and the accounts of offshore former American tax paying, now global non tax paying companies. Do I need to name names?
You can win a war with a blitzkrieg, but you can never win an occupation. Getting out of Iraq is the right choice, although keeping bases operational in the Mideast theater is imperative.


Is it militarily wise to set up missile shields in eastern Europe?
The complaints coming out of Russia are loud and have been increasing in intensity.
Our motions in bringing former soviet states into NATO and bringing military defensive technology to their countries is foolish without Russian involvement.
Russia today could be our friend, both countries face imperial Islamic intentions and attacks are assumed in all directions.
What is there to fear from Russia today? Nuclear Weapons. New intense bombs and missiles that, Yes, can hit the United States and Europe.
If you back a bear into a corner you may get ripped to shreds.

New song Mother where I get to play lead guitar now on my myspace.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Get serious

Do I spend a lot of time trying to think of how to mock everyone?
Can I be serious about the world situation ?

In the Middle of rumors of war a possible way out?

The United States and Iraq have agreed to hold a neighbors meeting with Iran and Syria.
This approved by the Eagle winged George Bush. Am I dreaming or is this 2007?
Peace seems to be the answer since all we cause is chaos if we try to occupy a country.

War was to be made because of Rumors. Rumors that Iran if it obtained enough Nukes might just launch against Israel and obliterate them.
Ok that is feasible, but not probable. You see the use of Nukes means the loss of land in an ever shrinking world, it is pure insanity to launch a nuke anywhere.
War was to be made because of Rumors.
Ok? Get the picture? A nuclear Iran would be able to threaten Europe and a host of other countries. Hold them to blackmail??
Once again Rumor.

War launched by rumor! Rumble , rumble, the sound of thunder in the land.

Fear is the agenda , when the world is focused on calamity, the Humans in High Places get their chance to set forward their plans.
What if we are afraid of the wrong people?
It is also possible that France could launch a Nuke attack against the United States!
What about Germany? Do we really know what is going on in those Hardened Bunkers they are so great at building? Maybe they have Nukes?
What about the Japanese? Does anyone doubt they have or will soon have Nukes? Or maybe they are ready to assemble?
My guess is when China went Nuclear, Japan decided to keep them company in that decision.

I ran with Nuclear tipped missiles is a great threat to the world.
Russia with Nuclear tipped missiles is also.
So is China, Pakistan, India, Great Britain.
So is the United States and so is Israel.

In fact were Iran to Nuke Israel, be assured that Israel would launch such a volley of nukes that Iran would be no more, and have more to spare.

So yes Iran with Nukes is bad.

More pertinent ANY NUKES ARE BAD.

In fact nukes are EVIL.

So if Iraq , the United States , Iran and Syria are to meet, they ought to bring in the Turks who are bridling to invade northern Iraq, the Saudis who have a stake in security and the Kuwaitis.
Alas , there isn't anyone thinking out there.

Even more pertinent, the total elimination of Nukes is imperative if mankind is to survive??
So let all those atomic bomb holding nations meet and agree, the nation that has nukes is evil and must be made to eliminate them.
Wishful thinking.
Once again.

Catfish is good, my catz love it.

Barbra Ann/Bomb Iran

Barbra Ann bar-bar braa Ann,
Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

That old song, was it the beach boys?
Barbra Ann rhymed so well with Bomb Iran, and I was singing it in late 2001, I had predicted the attack on Afghanistan and Iraq , but for some reason was singin, Bomb Iran to the tune of Barbra Ann.
Iran to be Bombed back to the stone age!

Vladimir Putin is like freaking out!
He hears a rumor of a joint US/Israeli attack on Iran and he is freaking.
Already upset with Nato expansion and the proposed polish/czech republic missile shield and Georgian pending Nato membership. An upcoming vote in Finland . The Estonian offense.
I percieve some real paranoia in Russia, and that could put Russia on the side of Iran in any upcoming conflict.
As for Russia being able to do a whole lot, well they do have nukes, and an air force.
China is also opposed to using force against Iran. Also Nuclear and Airforcian.
Today it appears we may be facing a greater struggle than just bombing Iran.
A world Struggle, one more devastating than anything yet seen on this planet.

Attempt to Assassinate Cheney.

Taliban suicide bomber tries to assassinate Vice President Dick Cheney at Afghanistan
US military base. Rumor has it he had to change his underwear, being incontinent. His febreeze bottle empty, he had to resort to the decontamination chambers for detoxification of defecation.

Stock Market tumble worldwide.

China the holder of 1 Trillion dollar US debt, whose stock market was struck by a mud volcano, found themselves in a landslide. Stocky marketa crashy. Berry bad for world.
Such a mud fart causing the computer hard drives to spew numbers that didn't appeal to the appetites of Worldwide Markets and they all lost their lunches to the silent and deadly attack.
Gas clouds could be seen coming from the Gobi Desert as Chinamen everywhere put on gas masks. Worse than bird flu or global warming, a new phenomena is on the horizon, Wallet Influenza.

Prince Charles wants to ban McDonalds.

He heard that Osama was targeting Prince Harry, so he decided he needed to be more activist. McDonalds represents everything that is wrong with the world, fat kids, high cholesterol, moral decay and yes even Osama Bin Ladens insanity. 'Close McDonalds so my son can live', is all he could say to the press. Meanwhile Prince Harry is being targeted by advanced US software in the hands of Mock Tada All Slaughter and could at any time be the victim of an attack in Iraq.

Governor Granholm of Michigan wants all Michiganders to move elsewhere.

It seems that the Governor is sick and tired of being Governor over those losers in Michigan, she wants them all to move elsewhere. Her words a kind of , " Let them eat cake", call for higher taxes, when 14 percent of Michiganders have no Job to speak of anyway, and her plans for
A greater Canada have caused her to go militant with the people.
" Pay up or go elsewhere"
Meanwhile not a house could sell...

Eat club crackers with Olde English Cheese. You will then be cool

Monday, February 19, 2007

Music and my 2006 experience

I had an opportunity to record in a professional studio a tune I composed in 1986. It was funny I got a chance to rerecord it (with many differences) almost excatly 20 years later.
The early recording had all parts arranged by my good friend Larry Belknap, an extraordinary guitarist and composer/arranger and getting darn good at engineering sound! Listen to a song of his here

I was in a band, we did most of our practising/rehearsing during the fall of 2004 , shortly after I got my new Les Paul. One thing we disagreed about was the band name. We had a few names before it fell apart and a huge debate as to the name.
Robert Silvani the songwriter and guitarist, wanted BadBehavior, as did Jason Lashuk our Drummer. BadBehavior alas had been taken.
Some how we all agreed to name the band Broke, since we were all broke , and had some good rock tunes to play. Then two weeks later we found out the name Broke was taken, and the funny thing was, is, they are local! LOL! Jason and I had already made a website and the name of the band ended up being BrokenDetroit . It was out of necessity and no one really liked it so we had to put our heads together... I wanted 'Blind Earth'... Bob suggested 'StalkingShay' ,while I hated that, Bob took 'Blind Earth' and made it into 'Rare Faith' , Jason didnt like it , but Kevin kinda liked it, Bob loved it, it never got used. In March 2006 were able to record at SpiralStaircase Studios owned by a longtime friend Kevin Perlongo.
Kevin was able to schedule recording time and in that time we recorded a song written by: Robert {BadBob} Silvani:
Jason Lashuk on Drums:
Kevin, ( objecting the whole time) was graceful and recorded the Bass parts. Thank you Kevin: Guitar leads and solos by Paul DiMeglio, using a 2004 Les Paul Studio and Blue Voodoo half stack Amplifier.
The Song "On My Knees" can be heard at Robert Silvanis'

I went back in the studio in the early fall aug/sept '06 and Recorded Slug Generation.
I play three guitar parts: Jason Lashuk plays Drums. I named it Slug Generation since it is 20 years since I last recorded it. You can hear it at my myspace.

Of course all Credit goes to Kevin Perlongo of SpiralStairCase Studios and of Plymouth Fame, a friend from so far back he is more like Family. Being from my home town helps too! In Italian that would be Pisano: 'Friend from my home town'. You can check out Spiralstaircase studios on myspace: .
Give the website a look at:
Good rates, digital and analog recording, special sound rooms, courteous service, some instruments, musicians available, reasonable rates!
Kevin is a professional Photographer, and part of SpiralStaircase studios is devoted to his Photographic work, his rates are reasonable for your Wedding, Concert, Party or whatever!
SpiralStaircase Studios also has the capability to take old reel to reel recordings and put them on disc.

Word for today;
Write, Paint, Draw,Create Music,read great literature,let your creative strengths have their outlet, this will partially empower you, and is a direct step into the sunlight.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Mock Tada all slaughter

Muqtada al-Sadr

The new Ayatollah of Iraq?
Muqtada has been the target of United States and British forces in the past.
Some fiery battles have been fought with his Mahdi Army and he now has political aspirations.
This man along with Ahmadinejad of Iran are of a new generation of young scholars who believe in the Islamic messiah, the 12th Imam. Although both are Shiites, they are of differing factions and it is doubtful he is recieving much assistance from Iran.
An Iraqi breakup , an inevitablity if the United States and British Forces left Iraq, which eventually they will do, (occupation not being a welcomed policy in todays world) upon leaving will be tossing a newborn to the wolves.
Turkey itself has massed troops on the northern border.
Iran has a small Kurdish minority in the north which leans longingly toward the Iraqi Kurdish Government. Kurdish Iraq is the enemy of Turkey and Iran, their hatred for their own Kurdish minorities occupied since the Allies carved up the world according to their own perception of boundry at the time.
A strong Al Sadr with his Mahdi Militia ready to move will enter as many cities as it can in the south, while Iran with its rival branch of the Shia Cult,( apocalyptic in worldview) is certain to attempt to seize control in the east already infiltrated in the confusion at the borders during the war. Iran is supplying the Irano-Iraqi shiites with weapons and military " advisors" and may find itself clashing with the Mahdi Militia.
Al Sadr himself is not an Imam, but is descended from the prophet Mohammed, his Father was killed by Saddam, and Sadr loyals were Saddams executioners.
This fact on the surface seems insignificant.
The reality is, Al Sadr is the power in the Iraqi Shia political circle , having hung Saddam, he has created a Sunni Vacuum, soon to bring in the new Saddam.
Al Sadr in the South, A new Saddam in the west, and an already declared Kurdish President
Masoud Barzani in the north. Al Sadr the new Ayatollah of Iraq.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Saddam is dead, Long live Saddam

Saddam is dead.
But his legacy is alive and kicking.
A newborn needs milk to survive.

Like life for a newborn, the US, mother of all newborns for the last 62 years is running out of milk.
Alas , the teats of the Statue of Liberty are sagging, her life giving juice milked to the point of perpetual dryness, her age and her paranoid schitzophrenic behavior making her a candidate for a nursing home.
Until this day the United States is the nursing home.
Now the nurse is looking like she needs a nursing home.
She runs to China with hands clasped in prayer that she might have some milk for her old and infants.
For she has poured out treasures invaluable on the world, and forgiven their debts. Yet she has gone beyond giving the money to the world, now she employs the world and supports a government foreign to her own Constitution.
The United Nations.
So the mother that feeds Iraq is old, her milk drying up.
Her feeble attempts at instituting a government dashed as Saddam dangled from the gallows pole.
Now the infant will be left to itself, and it will be torn in three by its own people.
Now the parts will live for they will get milk locally from their neighbors.
Those parts will fight with each other , and will be backed by their neighbors.

The Sunni baathist party will produce another Saddam. Will find help from its baathist neighbor Syria.
The Shiites have Moktada al Sadr whose followers hung Saddam for killing Moktadas dad. He is finding milk from Shitte Iran.
The Kurdish north is flying its own flag already . They will be strengthened by the neighboring Kurdish communites, in Turkey and Iran.
How the powers that be will manage this will be interesting.
For the nurse needs a rest, her coffers are empty and the bill collector has an axe in his hands.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Will Vlad invade Tiblisi?

Is war in the future for Georgia?
Will the Russians invade Tiblisi?
It seems the Western backed Government in Georgia has raised the ire of our pal Vlad.
The breakaway states of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, have weakened Georgia whose western style Government is pushing for EU and Nato Membership.
Rockets have been launched at helicopters flying over these breakaway "republics",
one carrying John McCain another carrying the Georgian Defense Minister.
Georgia has now been threatened with retaliation if they start military actions against the breakaway republics occupied by Russian "peacekeeping forces".
Georgians living in Russia are being sent home- Russia is withdrawing troops from its Georgian military bases.
It seems Vlad has been throwing temper tantrums over the arrest of four members of Russian military intelligence, who were paraded before the media.
The tense situation caused Russia to blockade Georgia by road, rail, air and sea.

Seems that Vlad has started dancing...
Apocalypso is getting popular.

Fly Spy.
Great Britain plans robotic flies, which will fly in swarms, to spy on enemies.
The United States has invested in the technology.

Idol Dictator- North Korea tests a Nuke

Apocalypso magnified.
As the world watched with discomfort, North Korea tested a Nuclear Bomb.
The explosion registered as a 4.2 magnitude earthquake. The underground test will doubtless poison the area with radiation, affecting the water and the air.
Even worse, the July 4th display of missle launches, though they weren't all that, are a glimpse of what the future holds.
South Korea, Japan, Russia, Mongolia and China are all within range of Atomic Weapons from Dictator Kim Jong Il 2 or Kim gone ill twice, the megalomanic of the North East Asia.
The threat is clear.
Now Japan and South Korea will begin production of their own Nukes.
We will see a rush to arms all across the region. Only China and Russia of the states within sure reach of these missles have the nuclear missles to launch back.
The Idea that North Korean Missles can reach San Francisco or Portland or even Seattle is a bit far fetched.
Alaska would be the Most likely US state that North Korea might or might not hit, if they tried.
Regime change is in the air. A direct targeting of the Dictator is the first salvo,
the tradition of shock and awe will go on, Kim Gone Ill may become Kim Six feet under.
The United Nations idea of sanctions is basically meaningless, obviously Kim and his Dad were willing to starve their own people and poison them to get the Bomb, and further starvation doesn't effect the Idol Dictator.
The Military Industry anticipates trillions in sales in the future as nations arm for total war.
Will Kim Gone Ill blackmail the nations of the area?
I see Japan going full into full production of every type of weapon.
I see South Korea doing the same.
It seems that War will define the decade.
2006 the year the dance went global.