Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Barbra Ann/Bomb Iran

Barbra Ann bar-bar braa Ann,
Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

That old song, was it the beach boys?
Barbra Ann rhymed so well with Bomb Iran, and I was singing it in late 2001, I had predicted the attack on Afghanistan and Iraq , but for some reason was singin, Bomb Iran to the tune of Barbra Ann.
Iran to be Bombed back to the stone age!

Vladimir Putin is like freaking out!
He hears a rumor of a joint US/Israeli attack on Iran and he is freaking.
Already upset with Nato expansion and the proposed polish/czech republic missile shield and Georgian pending Nato membership. An upcoming vote in Finland . The Estonian offense.
I percieve some real paranoia in Russia, and that could put Russia on the side of Iran in any upcoming conflict.
As for Russia being able to do a whole lot, well they do have nukes, and an air force.
China is also opposed to using force against Iran. Also Nuclear and Airforcian.
Today it appears we may be facing a greater struggle than just bombing Iran.
A world Struggle, one more devastating than anything yet seen on this planet.

Attempt to Assassinate Cheney.

Taliban suicide bomber tries to assassinate Vice President Dick Cheney at Afghanistan
US military base. Rumor has it he had to change his underwear, being incontinent. His febreeze bottle empty, he had to resort to the decontamination chambers for detoxification of defecation.

Stock Market tumble worldwide.

China the holder of 1 Trillion dollar US debt, whose stock market was struck by a mud volcano, found themselves in a landslide. Stocky marketa crashy. Berry bad for world.
Such a mud fart causing the computer hard drives to spew numbers that didn't appeal to the appetites of Worldwide Markets and they all lost their lunches to the silent and deadly attack.
Gas clouds could be seen coming from the Gobi Desert as Chinamen everywhere put on gas masks. Worse than bird flu or global warming, a new phenomena is on the horizon, Wallet Influenza.

Prince Charles wants to ban McDonalds.

He heard that Osama was targeting Prince Harry, so he decided he needed to be more activist. McDonalds represents everything that is wrong with the world, fat kids, high cholesterol, moral decay and yes even Osama Bin Ladens insanity. 'Close McDonalds so my son can live', is all he could say to the press. Meanwhile Prince Harry is being targeted by advanced US software in the hands of Mock Tada All Slaughter and could at any time be the victim of an attack in Iraq.

Governor Granholm of Michigan wants all Michiganders to move elsewhere.

It seems that the Governor is sick and tired of being Governor over those losers in Michigan, she wants them all to move elsewhere. Her words a kind of , " Let them eat cake", call for higher taxes, when 14 percent of Michiganders have no Job to speak of anyway, and her plans for
A greater Canada have caused her to go militant with the people.
" Pay up or go elsewhere"
Meanwhile not a house could sell...

Eat club crackers with Olde English Cheese. You will then be cool

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