Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Europa Military Reach

UN mandated EU Military Forces enter Lebanon. Hmm wasn't it the Norman Knights who prevailed in the crusades? The question is, are these forces as well armed as Israel?
Turkey the Islamic secular state is sending troops to Lebanon also. Do I smell brownies cooking?
With Nato handling Afghanistan, the United States handling Iraq, isn't it just Perfect that the EU should handle Lebanon?
This is the stage being erected for WWIII, this is a victory for the vatican, and for Iran. How these strange events have brought these two leaders together.
This A Mad in Jihad guy is getting alot of media attention.
The media wants you to listen to him, the powers that be want you to listen, just as they wanted us to listen to Al-Cruda , Swami bin laden, upon whose head may molotovs rain abundanty.
The Pope is gleeful the fighting has stopped.
Standard to remember, whenever war breaks out, the Pope wants it to stop.
Standard to remember, Wars wouldn't happen if nations didnt sell weapons to nations.
Note that China has it hands worldwide, Bertrand Russell believed the Chinese would one day progress to the point of world Power.
There are Four Powers in the world today.
The United States.
The European Union.
The United States, by UN mandate has bombed countries, only to have those countries temporarily held by Nato forces, which were soon exchanged for Western European Forces along with a huge network of spies and Administrative "Advisers", to oversee operations and bring those countries into line with EU policy and monetary standards.
The occupation of eastern Europe accomplished by NATO treaties with individual governments, will one day become EU controlled as NATO as an alliance is shifting its focus to the Middle East and South America.
The rape of Africa goes on, and now from the east, The Chinese dragon, now drilling for oil and mining...
I have a solution to the Iraq Problem.
Confiscate all weapons. GO door to door and take away their weapons. Moktada al-Sadr of Sadr city , House to house.
Tikrit House to house, Bagdad house to house.
The same in Lebanon.
The same in Dearborn Michigan and Detroit for that matter.
Don't get me wrong I am for the constitution, I am against illegal weapons, take the weapons now, stop fiddling with silly crap and get the job done!

Solar energy may be the answer, but its not cheap.
We need to develope the manufacturing process that will speed up the process and reduce the costs.

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