Sunday, September 03, 2006

Al-Qaida: New Media spokesman Adam Gadahn more popular than Katy Couric

Anyone notice Al-Qaidas' new Spokesman?

Adam Gadahn? An American?

Not anymore. A traitor.

Anyone wanna serve a warrant?

Who helps Al-Qaida the most? Is it Adam God Damn {Gadahn}?

The Medes and the Persians?

AKA the Media?

Witness the new romance.

Jezabel " Oh a real American"...swoons...

Ahab " wow he needs a shave bad!"...

Jezebel " watch and see if I don't publish this message and this mans' name far and wide!"

Ahab " Ok, but be sure the emphasis is on the man and where he is from,we don't want to offend the Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddists and Wiccans, let alone the Pagans and Atheists"

Jezebel " Hollywood !"

Ahab " Hes not from Hollywood!"

Jezebel " He is now".

Ahab " Well then hopefully he will turn up again, its big news, and that means big money"

Jezebel " Yes it is fortunate he has come along at this time, no destruction in Lebanon to advertise, Iraq waxes redundant with boring daily reports of roadside bombs and 100's of deaths, Afghanistan is a hole.

Ahab " Well as long as we promote fear and hatred we are doing our job!"

Ahab "At least we have Chavez, Ahmadinejad and Annan!"

Jezebel " Fool we need hot war to get the ratings back up!"

Ahab " Well theres Iran, that may go hot anytime, with Israel formulating their plans, and King George was ready 18 months ago, its just a matter of time."

" Iran " says Jezebel and wanders off still swooning over Azzam the American...

Meanwhile: Azzam the American is now more popular with Jezebel than Katy Couric since Ahab started doctoring Katies' photos.

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