Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th... Conspiracy or Jihad? Or Both?

As the world continues in its new dance of death {Apocalypso}, the media continues to sow fear and horror on prime time television, with abandon.
No I am not talking about Desperate Housewives Cops or Mr Magoo.
I am talking about the new Fox shows Vanished and Prison Break.
Of course the media needs to keep our interest. In America today the thirst for thrills has become a no holds barred, all is fair in love and war, there is nothing to fear but fear itself kinda blitzkrieg.
As the media continues to fictionalize Americans' fears through psychological programming, the images of 911 are being played over on all the news channels,
Americans soon forget the Anthrax mailings, the snipers Muham-mad and Malvo, the Oklahoma Fed building bombing, the 1993 attempt on the world trade center.
Oops I didn't mean to add fuel to the fear bonfire.
Thinking it out and watching the videos of the trade center crumbling, I remember reading a conspiracy theory that the buildings were brought down by demolition detonations.
I watched them fall again and again and well I just don't see that at all.
I see buildings falling from the top down, not vise versa. They crumble from the top.
Being a construction worker I understand the process.
Searing temperatures from burning airplane fuel, caused the steel supports to melt,
thus causing the already damaged areas of the building to begin collapsing.
Watch the video and see that the fall begins at the top of the building and the tons of concrete held up by the melting steel supports reached a point of no return.
The first attempt on the trade center seems lost in the mist.
Did anyone notice the similarities between the first trade center bombing and the Oklahoma bombings? truck filled with explosive materials drives up and moments later BOOM!
One point about the pentagon attack that gets me is the photos show no tail section of a plane, theories have been advanced that the device that hit the pentagon was not a plane but a guided missle with concrete penetrating technology. Studying the photos one sees a number of light poles knocked down, I don't believe it was a missle.
When following the money trail who stood to profit most from 911?
Larry Silverstein, who is now a very very rich man, after collecting billions in insurance money.
Is he dancing to Apocalypso also?
The media is doing a fine job of dancing.
On news channels, when no bombs are falling on cities and no hurricanes are threatening our coasts, the news focuses on missing persons and murder trials
Good timing for a show called vanished. I am sure you will add locks to your doors, buy guns, drive your kids to school and pick them up, and generally take one more dark step toward panic.
But then again Americans love death and destruction, abductions and murders. So hollywood is filling that prescription.
Five years after Sept. 11th and we get hours of planes hitting the buildings, and views of people jumping to their deaths. Jezebel had her helping with caviar, Ahab was busy doctoring pics of Ann Coulter.
And at foggy bottom, the warmongers/boremongers are again contemplating a new bombing campaign...

Drive Less it saves gas!

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