Friday, September 15, 2006

Hooray! Iraqi Kurdistan raises Kurdish Flag!

Is this the brink of the break up of the NATO Alliance? Turkish Kurdish Rebels, {Insurgents} have increased militant attacks recently and then flee across the Iraq border... thus the Turkish shelling of Iraqo-Kurd towns.
Now the Kurds in the north of Iraq have lowered the Iraqi National Flag and raised the Flag of Kurdistan much to the dismay of the Turks, Iranians, Syrians, Sunnis and Shiites.
This is a move of independence of historic proportion.
This territory is already in unrest and recent bombings in Kurdish villages has raised the hackles of the state Government there.
There seems to be a split from the Federation of Iraq.
So, will Iraq be split in three? If so why not sit down and discuss the borders and hold free elections in each new nation?
Or will the Kurds be betrayed again and obliterated or at least allowed to be obliterated by the possibly huge forces that could be brought against it?
Turkey speaks of Invasion, Iran stopped the flow of oil to Turkey, and is also struggling with Kurdish insurgents as we speak.
I suspect there is agitation in Syria, Armenia and Azerbijan which have Kurdish minorities.
The future of Iraqi Kurdistan could hinge on holding Kirkuk the oil rich city which could help Kurdistan. Turkey is threatening to take control of that city. Iran has shelled towns on the Iraqi side in the north.
This flag raising and military attacks seem to be violations of American agreements with the Iraqi National Goverment.
Now the Flag is raised, will they vote for a President? Or will one be appointed?
The game is afoot watson...

Watermelons make your face messy.

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