Monday, August 21, 2006

Reformist Revolution. Progressive independence.

I have been told this is wishful thinking.
I agreed.
This is my Idea for a New Political Party.
In a conversation with Mark Flannery, we both mourned the state of the Government and its abuses. It is up to the people to reform government. We call for censorship and reform of all areas of the United States Government, Federal, State and Local. Audits of all. Criminal charges against those who have sold the constitution and individual freedoms down the drain or for selling off the national treasure and those who espouse a world government over a National Government based on the Constitution of the United States. This political party and its aims came out of that conversation with Mark in late June 2006.
Progressive Indepence is the doctrine of becoming Independent in every way.
Envisioned as a slow process, the idea is to eventually become free of the oppression of such evils as the IRS, The Federal Reserve, The United Nations, { we hope they move to North Korea}, reducing the size of the Federal, State and Local governments, and investigating all their corruption and robbery. A reform and censorship of the Courts from the top down, Reform and Censorship for Congress and with a policy of equality of all men, we will find the perpetrators within the Governmental bodies afore mentioned and bring them to Justice.
I cannot do this alone, so if you agree its time Americans show their true colors.
Let us stand up against the Globalists who are selling our country and giving it away to those who hate us.
The argument is, if you are a Globalist, you believe in a Global Government rather than a National Government under the Constitution of the United States, this makes you a traitor to your country.

A 12 point start

The Progressive Independence party

1. A return to the full principles of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.
2. Calls for total reform of Government from the Top down.
3. Seeks a total reform of Education and its systems forbidding party indoctrination thus eliminating a favoring of any particular party among the Intellectual elite.
4. Seeks to eliminate unnecessary laws, and reform the courts and restore them to a simpler
and logical but fair justice system.
5. Seeks a progressive police force and a simple plan for reducing violent crime.
6. Seeks to establish unity among social classes.
7. Calls for research into eliminating the national debt and and restore the value of the Dollar by backing it with national treasure.
8. Sees all who have sold the national treasure as traitors and guilty of undermining the economy of the United States.
9. Intends to close the borders, send all illegals home and forbids outsourcing and global economic development in favor of a national self sufficiency.
10. Forbids funding and support for world government , UN and Globalists in the USA. Sees the United Nations as a forum for world peace. Not as a form of Government.
11. Recognizes as criminals and traitors all who favor a one world government.
12. Seeks to reduce the size of Government and eliminate the oppression of the Federal Reserve system.

Paul DiMeglio July 4th 2006

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